Selected Writing
(Upcoming) Comic Trans: Presenting and representing the Other in Stand-up Comedy, Masters Thesis in Live Art and Performance Studies, University of the Arts Helsinki, 2018.
2015: icon: Dr. Frank N. Furter and I, Esitys-lehti 4/2015
2015: On Publicity and Privacy – or: How Do You Do Your Documentation?
2010: There You Are, There You Ain’t, in Playing Reality, ed. Elge Larsson
2010: Listen With Rigour and Compassion, in Ankaraa ja myötätuntoista kuuntelua, ed. Lea Kantonen
2009: Seven Easy Pieces Using Abramovic, in Essays on Live Art and Performance Art, editor Annette Arlander
Selected Talks
2018: Minority bodies in Stand-up Comedy, University of the Arts Helsinki and elsewhere
2018: Transgender Bodies in Performance Art, University of the Arts Helsinki
2017: Audience Theory for Larp, with Jaakko Stenros; presentation at Spectating Play Seminar, Tampere
2016: Playing With Reality, Creative Mornings Helsinki
2015-2017: Art History for Larpers, including course material for Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts
2012: From Performing Arts to Larp, Nordic Larp Talks